As a healthcare provider I was immediately interested and intrigued with the subject matter of this wealthy woman taking an interest in the emotional and physical well being of other women. Kate’s journey is one of human suffering turned into positive action in the world is inspiring and alive in every word of this text.
Her vision and her actions were that of a woman in a world that was foreign to the idea of connecting body and emotions, physical health and emotional health.
The author’s connection with the character Kate was immediately known to me as a felt sense thread throughout the entire book. This sense fills this book with boundless integrity through the physical facts and details and the emotional journey of our protagonist Kate and our author Meryl.
Through this book you will experience that Kate’s legacy lives on in our physical world today. This is a beautiful story that is worth telling and reading.
Sarah B., Chester, NJ

"Finding Kate" was one of most fascinating books I've read in ages. Meryl Carmel's well-researched biography gave me tremendous insight on women's healthcare in the 1800s and at the turn of the century. How far women have come in so many ways since the Gilded Age. I admire Kate for overcoming her own health issues and using her wealth and compassion to improve the lives of a countless number of women in need.

In "Finding Kate", Meryl Carmel brings to life not only Kate's personality and history, but illuminates her deep and abiding commitment to the moral responsibility that comes with a privileged life. I admire her quiet and substantial contribution to women's health and welfare, but I can't help wondering how much more she might have done outside the confines of the society of her day.

I am in awe of the amount of research done to "find Kate!" And then to compile it into such a well written story. . . I was struck by the life of fortune and misfortune which Kate lived - opulence but then so many illnesses and periods of poor health. One must appreciate how far we have come in the field of medicine and how remarkable she was to accomplish what she did despite all she endured.

I enjoyed reading this book about an extraordinary woman who dedicated her life to healthcare advocacy.
My gratitude to the author to have richly presented us with this story of great interest. The author captures the beauty of Kate's human spirit, inspiring others to follow her purpose. I feel so thankful and proud to have learned about this remarkable woman, with hope that Kate's dedication and compassion inspire generations to come.
I really love this book.

"Finding Kate" was a fun book to read. Living in the area I was aware of Kate’s philanthropy, but not her life and Meryl kept me interested with a well written book that I found hard to put down. It also recounted what was going on in our area at that time, which added to my interest in the book.

You will love this book! This well researched true story about a wealthy woman whose innate philosophy of caring for others and own ill health enables her to provide respite care for less fortunate women in a caring and loving setting is a memorable read.